COVID-19 and Church

March 13, 2020

What do you do on Sunday?  

With local school districts closing and Counties, such as the County of Riverside and County of Los Angeles, recommending the mandatory cancellation of events, churches are forced to assess their options both financially and morally, moving forward.  By way of example, the County of Riverside issued an order on March 16, 2020 which cancelled all events, including church services, which had an anticipated attendance of more than 10 individuals.  Los Angeles County took similar but more restrictive steps in recommending the cancellation of events where the anticipated attendance exceeded 10 individuals. In most counties in California including Riverside, San Diego, Orange County, and Los Angeles bars, breweries, wineries, and restaurants were ordered to close their doors to the public and restaurants are limited to to-go & delivery orders. 

Weighing your options

In light of the above, churches should be assessing their options to remain compliant with the ever-changing orders as society navigates through this period.  Tyler Law LLP is recommending that churches assess their local orders to determine what restrictions, if any, govern their church services for the coming weekend.  For example, churches subject to the Riverside County order should either move to an online podcast, live-stream, or pre-recorded sermon.  Churches subject to the Riverside County order should also be aware that the Order is ambiguous as to the application to Church operations which may have less than 10 people per building or large office space. 

Insurance may help

With counties limiting attendance and events, churches should justifiably be concerned with their potential loss of income from community tithing and their ability to meet their financial obligations in the coming months.  Churches should carefully assess their insurance policies to determine if the policy provides any financial reprieve for the cessation of business and inability to hold church services for their entire congregations.  If the insurance policy, by its terms, appears to provide coverage which the insurance carrier is denying, the church should seek legal representation to review the policy and, if necessary, demand tender for the loss of business stemming from these extraordinary events. 

Tyler Law can review insurance policies, negotiate with insurance companies, provide practical advice regarding the scheduling of church services, draft memorandums for internal staff regarding their employment options, and coordinate coverage for your church.  If you have any questions, concerns, or wish to discuss employment as it relates to the church or other local orders, please do not hesitate to contact Tyler Law as we are ready, willing, and able to guide you through the uncertainties of current events.

Give Us a Call

Riverside County: (951) 600-2733

Orange County: (714) 978-2060

Northwest Arkansas: (479) 377-2059

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